Mountain Cold Weather Alumni Association
The MCWAA's purpose is to establish and maintain a network of alumni, friends, and family members of the company in order to advocate for and financially support the Mountain Cold Weather Company Program. —MCWAA Mission Statement
Newest MCW Giving Initiative:
Col. Timothy Donovan '62 Mountain Cold Weather Scholarship
The scholarship will go to a deserving member of Mountain Cold Weather who represents all that Col. Donovan stood for within the Norwich family.
Mountain Cold Weather Association Vision Statement
The Mountain Cold Weather Association coordinates and enables mountain, cold weather, and general military-skills training across a broad spectrum in order to ensure competence in capability and tactical and technical proficiency of the Mountain Cold Weather Company, whose members will go on to serve the joint force.
Make Your Gift to Mountain Cold Weather to Join the Association
Your gift to the company will help provide much-needed equipment and training for the Mountain Cold Weather Company members as they prepare for their roles in the military and civilian world. For those who are interested in supporting the company annually, we offer two membership levels:
1) Scrolled & Tabbed Blackhats: You must make your annual gift and complete at least one full year in the Mountain Cold Weather Company.
2) Friends of MCW: Anyone who has not participated in at least one year of the Mountain Cold Weather Company program but would still like to support the training and objectives of the company.
Your tax-deductible gift is an official donation directly to the Mountain and Cold Weather Company. It will support the following program and opportunities as outlined by the MCW Board of Directors:
- Training and educational opportunities outside of those found at Norwich
- International and Domestic Travel for Expeditions
- Supplemental Cold and Hot Weather Clothing for our training activities
- Annually updating mountaineering equipment after repetitive use
As we continue to grow and develop our Association, we plan on implementing the following goals:
- Norwich MCW Scholarships - Endowment starts at $50,000
- Rebuild Shapiro Field House rock wall - Estimated project cost - $500,000
MCWAA Board of Directors:
Bryan Radliff ’90 - Chairman
Kurt Kuegler ’21 - Vice-Chairman
George Gonas ’89 - Secretary
Mike Whalen ’90 - Treasurer
Paul Parsons ’89 - Historian
Ryan Cranston ’23 - MCW Commander
MSG John Lewis USA (Ret.) - MCW Staff Liaison
Kirk Allen ’86 - Board Member
Larry Costa ’80 - Board Member
Nicholas Fitzsimons ’16 - Board Member
Thomas Houghton ’13 - Board Member
Kevin Seery ’18 - Board Member
Board Advisors:
MAJ Daniel Silver, USA
Paul Morgan, Associate Director, MGAA
For more information about the Norwich University Mountain Cold Weather Alumni Association please contact us via email.